Watch the best videos of drums and drummers gathered here for your enjoyment. The biggest drum kits, the fastest double bass drummers and the funniest drumming videos- they are all here. Check out kids, gorillas and even a muppet playing the drums. If you have seen a drumming video that you think belongs here then let us know.
The Gorilla from the Cadbury chocolate advert playing the famous Phil Collins drum fill from the song In the Air Tonite
The theme tune to the T.V series The Simpsons like you've never heard it before. Drummer Vadrum turns this tune into a crazy drumming solo.
See drummer Terry Bozzio's giant drum kit being assembled. See if you can count the tom toms. Can anyone really play six bass drums!
Check out this awesome Grandma as she breaks out the stick tricks and pounds a beat at her local music shop
Drumming legend Buddy Rich displays his awesome power and drumming technique in this inspired drum solo. Watch and learn from the master!
Check out this Little Rock Drummer as he rocks along to a Joan Jett song in front of an apprecaitive crowd of onlookers.
Insane drumming with Ben Walsh of the Tom Tom Crew 'In the wheel' at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Great Double Bass drumming with drumming virtuoso Thomas Lang playing the song "Nautilus"