There are a lot of different opinions on drum tuning- there is not one correct way. Every drum is different and the sound that each person is looking for is usually different. The ability to tune your drums is a skill that should be learnt and practised from the day you get your drums. Like playing it is a skill that you will get better at the more you do it. You will start to get an idea of the sound you want to get from your drums the longer you have been playing and the more drums you have listened to. In the mean time enjoy the learning process.
Drum Tuning Guide #2
Here is a detailed tuning guide from the Pearl drum company. Download this file and keep it by your drums or on your tablet as a reference
Drum tuning Video #1
In this video Bob Gatzen talks us through the process of tuning the tom toms. A good visual demonstration of tuning the drum skins diagonally.
Drum Tuning Video #2
In this video Bob Gatzen talks us through the process of a snare drum
Drum Tuning Tips
- Follow the basic steps in the videos and guides above and practise and practise
- Always tighten or loosen the drum skins evenly with your drum key. Work diagonally across the drum skin.
- Always let your ears be the final judge- does the drum sound good to you?
- Get someone else to play your drums then stand infront to hear what they sound like
- Remember the size and thickness of the drum shell, the drum skin, and the sticks you use can all influence the sound of your drum